What is Echo Flex and How to Set up it

What is Echo Flex and How to Set up it

Amazon has always known for enhancing its user’s experience, in terms of smart gadgets. From Amazon Echo to Amazon studio, it brought revolutionary products to the market. With the true companion of Alexa, Amazon is shaping our future along with their amazing Echo product lineup. Recently 4 months back in September 2019, Amazon launched it’s another revolutionary product named Echo flex. This $24.99 product adds up in your ability to have a smart assistant in any room. All you need is to have an open outlet there and you are good to go. So, this is why, here in this article, we are providing you with the ways on how to set up the Echo flex.

What is Echo flex?

It’s a $24.99 smart assistant by Amazon, that you can move in any room.

It also has a tiny speaker and LED light built-in in it. The sound quality of speaker is also nice, it’s neither loud nor quiet, and the voice of Alexa comes out to be very crisp and clear too.

In order to compensate for losing an outlet, there is also a built-in USB-A port.

The size is compact and the device is also doing well with sales. However, the best feature so far is to have Alexa connected to it.

How to Set Up Echo flex: –

Important Note – First make sure the Alexa app is updated in your device. If not, then kindly update it.

  • Open the Alexa app.
  • Go to the settings menu > Select Add Device > Select Amazon Echo> Scroll down and Select Echo flex.
  • Then plug the device into the wall and you are all set.

Note – If you already have the Alexa app configured in your smartphone, and working in your home network, then you don’t need to do anything.

Your echo flex will already be in your available devices list.

In order to check

  • Tap on All devices and see, if your echo flex is already connected.
  • If yes then enjoy, otherwise you can re-connect it.

In order to re-connect the echo flex: –

  • Press and hold the Action button for little longer.
  • If you see the light changing to orange color, it means it’s ready to be reconnected. Then you just have to tap on add device and repeat above mentioned procedure (procedure to set up echo flex).


So, this was all regarding how to set up Echo Flex. If you find it useful then do let us know in the comment section below, we would love to see that.
