Amazon Kindle is an e-reader that allows you to browse, download, read eBooks, newspapers and other digital media via a wireless network. Finding eBooks for your Kindle can be an expensive affair. And that is why in this article we look at how you to get free books on Kindle.
Ways to Get Free Books on your Kindle
Search for free eBooks on Kindle store or on Amazon
- On Amazon search bar type in free Kindle eBooks to find free titles. The books are organised into categories making it easier to select your favourite reads. You will find amazing classics with a buy for free button. Also find the same titles under the cheap read section.
- You can also find free books on your Kindle device. On the homepage of your device, look out for the deals category. Find exclusive deals where you can find reduced prices or free books.
- Alternatively type free Kindle books on Amazon and you will be shown loads of free titles. Click on the one you want to read and download it.
Get the Amazon prime or Kindle Unlimited Subscription
If you have Amazon prime subscription, then it also gives you access to prime reading. As a prime member you have the option to open hundreds of books free. From bestsellers to timeless classics and even comics, there’s something for everyone on the platform.
In addition to prime reading if you sign up for Amazon’s first read newsletter that gives you exclusive access to prime titles.
Alternatively, you can sign up for Kindle unlimited for $9.99 per month. With the subscription you rent up to 10 books and there is no due date for the borrowed titles.
Share books with friends and family who are have the Amazon subscription
Sharing books with your loved ones is an easy way to get free titles. All you need to do is to add your friends and family to Amazon household. Sign up for Amazon household and include two adults, four children and four teens.
After adding your loved ones to Amazon household, enable sharing. When a member of the household buys a book it will be available for everyone. The virtual book swap is a great way to share titles.
Rent eBooks from your local library
Find out if there are local libraries that offer eBooks near you. Depending on how the library operates you may need to obtain a library card. Follow the required procedure and see what the library has to offer.
And that is how you can get free eBooks on you Kindle. As an avid reader you don’t have to buy every title you want to read. So go on and let us know which one of the above suggestion works best for you.