How to Fix TP-Link Kasa is not Working with Google Home Issue

How to Fix TP-Link Kasa is not Working with Google Home


We all know how important it is to work with tp-link Kasa. It is very frustrating when we see that tp-link is not working with Google home. In this article, we will discuss the process of setting up tp-link Kasa when it is not working with Google home.

  1. Unlinks and relinked tp-link Kasa.

When you see that tp-link Kasa is not working, then do one thing. Unlink your Kasa and then again relink it. It might help in setting up your problem. Sometimes, relinking helps in setting tp-link.

2. Uninstalled and reinstalled the home App.

If you see that the above procedure is not working, then try this one, we are pretty, that you will succeed. First, go to your apps, press it for a while, then an option will come for uninstall. Uninstall the app. Wait for a while. After that, visit the play store and install the home App again. It is expected that your problem might get a solution.

3. Reset a plug.

Another option is to reset a plug. Take out the plug and switch off your application. After that, reset everything. It is also another option of resetting your tp-link Kasa. Hopefully, it might work.

4. Check your wi-fi.

Sometimes, if your network is slow, then tp-link Kasa might not work with Google home. So, check your wi-fi. You may switch off and on and also check whether it is ok or not. If you see, that wi-fi is not working, then you detect your problem.

5. Contact Google home.

If you see that none of the options is working, then the last option is to contact Google home. It might be the problem of hardware.


We have given almost all the solutions. Now, you see which options suits.
